Comferr s.r.o. was founded by Ing. Vojtech Mikóczi Sr. in 1993. Initially, the company focused on the production of small concrete mixers, blacksmith and locksmith production, as well as metalworking. Gradual expansion of the production premises and modernization of machinery and technological equipment enabled the expansion of the product range and portfolio.
Currently, the company focuses on individualized, piece and small batch production of steel structures and locksmith products, the quality of which is verified by many years of market presence, compounded by a multitude of customers from Slovakia and abroad.
The high quality of our products is witnessed by the number of satisfied customers from Slovakia and abroad:
R-Tech GmbH, Austria
Doprastav a.s., Bratislava
Agrolens s.r.o., Čenkovce
Agromačaj s.r.o., Kráľová pri Senci
Danering s.r.o., Dunajská Streda
BioCompacT spol. s r.o., Bratislava
Strojstav a.s., Bratislava
Wiky s.r.o., Malinovo
Premac spol. s r.o., Bratislava
STRABAG s.r.o., Bratislava
TORSON, spol. s r.o., Leopoldov
ILKA s.r.o., Senec
SMARTLIVING s.r.o., Bratislava